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Home Zionism

Simply put, Zionism is a political movement seeking to secure a homeland for the Jews in Palestine. Zionists claim that Jews have the right to possess all land between the Nile and the Euphrates because this land was given to them by God about 4,000 years ago. The World Zionist Congress was founded in 1897 by the Rothschilds to promote Zionism. The first meeting of the Congress was chaired by Theodore Herzl, an Ashkenazi Jew.

Balfour Declaration

In the middle of World War 1, a Zionist delegation travelled from the United States to Britain with the promise to bring America into the war provided that Britain agreed to give the land of Palestine to the Rothschilds. The British agreed and subsequently Arthur James Balfour, British Home Secretary, drafted a letter commonly known as the Balfour Declaration to Lord Rothschild confirming the agreement.

Establishment of the State of Israel

The Zionists would have us believe that the State of Israel was established in 1948 in fulfillment of prophesies in the Bible. In fact, Israel was founded through terror and the deviousness of wicked men. In 1944, Zionist leaders decided to drive the British and Arabs out of Palestine using acts of violence. These included bombings, landmines, kidnappings, murders and assassinations of police and British officials. Irgun, a terrorist group headed by Menachem Begin, and the Stern Gang , headed by Yitzhak Shamir, coordinated the attacks with the Jewish Agency and Hagana, the Zionist resistance army headed by David Ben-Gurion.

For example, in 1944 Stern Gang terrorists assassinated Lord Moyne, British resident minister. In 1946, Begin`s Irgun terrorists blew up the King David Hotel in Jerusalem murdering 92 people. In 1948, these terrorists killed 250 sleeping Arab villagers at Deir Yassin, a suburb of Jerusalem. Following this atrocity, Irgun trucks drove thoughout Judea announcing to Arabs that unless they fled Israel they would meet the same fate. More than 800,000 Arabs ended up fleeing from Palestine.

For more information, read the excellent, well-researched articles on Ted Pike`s website.

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